
Beta Products:

Enhanced EM Funds

The Enhanced Funds are a suite of funds launched in 2002 offering institutional investors benchmark plus returns in the MSCI Asian Emerging markets. The Enhanced Funds offers frictionless access to Global Emerging Markets with an option to out-perform their benchmark. The Enhanced Funds seek to outperform individual MSCI local currency benchmarks for India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.

The firm expects to launch the Enhanced Global EM Fund which is designed to outperform the MSCI Emerging Markets Index by applying an effective use of equity derivatives. It utilizes E.I.P’s quantitative skills and expertise in outperforming country indices and applies this at a Global level. The Fund manager can obtain exposure by either trading Global, Regional or Country Futures in order to closely replicate the Global MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Bloomberg: NDUEEGF).